Meet Jason Wood

Publisher, Writer & Founder of Kantanoose Global

Jason Wood

What is Kantanoose? (can – Ta – noose) I created the word Kantanoose in 1990 when I was in my early 20’s. I define it as “the ability to do the amazing, seemingly impossible: naturally. To go above and beyond all expectations time and time again without even realizing the impossible has been accomplished.”

For years people have asked me how I was able to do some of the things I have been blessed enough to do in my lifetime. Now don’t get me wrong, I have plenty more to do and I’m walking my journey learning and teaching just the same as you are. Despite challenges and deep emotional wounds, I pushed through and made a decision to always move forward, freeing myself of the weights that slow us down or hold us back. Kantanoose comes with the faith and true belief that you, regardless of what happens, will be fine. A solution will come. People will enter your life for a purpose. What you need will be provided. These beliefs make all the difference.

Over time I started to pay attention to the many people who were doing incredible things naturally, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Jay Z, the late Steve Jobs; to name a quick few. People the world over accomplish the impossible and in doing so inspire others simply by being themselves and nourishing their natural gift or talent. This discovery gave way to the idea that doing the astonishing naturally was something to be explored. Kantanoose is the discovery of that secret.

Kantanoose doesn’t have anything to do with being rich or poor. Education and privilege doesn’t create Kantanoose. It doesn’t matter if you are a famous celebrity or a “regular” person. Kantanoose is in all of us.

We all matter. Say it to yourself. “I matter.” We are all amazing and have hidden potentials and gifts. The key is finding them (and yes, we have more than one). For some its music, teaching, writing software programs, making movies, writing speeches, for others it can be sports, medicine, cooking or raising children, some people’s gift is the ability to make others laugh. I have met self made millionaires, world record holders and champions of all walks of life with one thing in common between them all: They all have Kantanoose. Each person I have come across has an inner champion and when cornered and pushed this champion shines. The champion also shines when the person is truly in their element doing what they were born to do.

This is what excited me. I started to people watch and wonder about the adversity these fellow humans faced in life that challenged them, changed them even broke them. Kantanoose is what built them back up and everyone loves a great comeback. We all are humans and it is in our nature to root for each other. So my passion is to give people someone to root for and in doing so perhaps get in touch with the Kantanoose within.